We offer a clear alternative

Quantitative Surveys (also known as questionnaire survey) are widely used in social sector studies. Baseline, Mid-term and End-line are conducted at different stages of development projects to statistically estimate the population value of the variables (in terms of KAP) that are targeted to be improved through project interventions. A good survey consists of a careful sampling design, unambiguous field-tested questionnaire, skilled data collectors, proper training, field management, supervision monitoring and quality control. The data collected are cleaned, validated, processed and analyzed for compilation of the reportby experts. Properly done, such a survey can set directions for project implementation and determine success and failure of projects with precision.

PCSL is specialized in quantitative surveys of any nature and size. In procuring and/or implementing a survey work study management team is formed consisting of PCSL in-house specialists. Relevant experts/ specialists from outside are engaged on project basis, if necessary. Side by side ‘paper-based’ surveys, PCSL has been conducting ‘mobile/tab and server based’ on-line surveys since 2013. We promote on-line surveys over paper-based due to added benefits of the former. Our specialty in surveys include: near-actual data, competitive price and client satisfaction.