Completed studies
Engaging insights, impactful outcomes
Gender and Equity
Impact Assessment
Livelihood Security
Maternal and Child Health
Mid-term Assessment/ Evaluation
Project Evaluation
Qualitative studies
Resettlement action plan
Social impact assessment
Smart Phone (TAB) & GIS based
Water and Sanitation
IT Services Projects
One CG Rethinking Food
Localising Climate Action
- Geo-Potato Post Season Survey-2018, Conducted for mPower Social Enterprise (Year 2018)
- Barrier Analysis on Consuming Milk and Red Meat Products, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2016)
- Farmers’ Education and Productivity for Sustainable Development Survey, Conducted for University of Pennsylvania (Year 2016)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2016)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-Soil test, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-LCC test, Conducted for Harvard University(Year 2015)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-Midterm, Conducted for Harvard University(Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted forACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Plot Specific Soil Testing Survey using mobile information technology, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2014)
- Reducing Imbalanced Fertilizer Use in Bangladesh, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2013)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS-Follow-up survey, Conducted for PKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University (Year 2013)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS-Baseline, Conducted for PKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University (Year 2010-2011)
- Baseline Study for Agricultural Sector Programme Support Phase II Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development Component Technical Support Units, Noakhali and Barisal, Conducted for GoB and Danida (Year 2007)
- Education in CCDRR- Strengthening Children’s Voices in Promoting SafeSchools, Conducted for SKS Foundation (Year 2015)
- Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Project, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- Coastal Vulnerability and Livelihood Security: HH Survey in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for Florida International University (Year 2015)
- Prepare a Low-Income Customers Service Improvement Plan for the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Conducted for World Bank & Castalia (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- Plot Specific Soil Testing Survey using mobile information technology, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2014)
- Impact Evaluation of GrameenKalyan-mPower Health Program (Baseline Component), Conducted forEndless Health, LLC(Year 2013)
- Baseline Survey of Urban Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Advancement (USHWA) Project in Saidpur Town, Conducted forSKS Foundation(Year 2013)
- Baseline Survey on Competition among MFIs in Rural Credit Markets in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted forRDRS & The University of Sydney(Year 2012)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) Survey of the Integrated Urban Nutrition Project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011-12)
- Baseline study of AmraoManush expansion project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2011)
- Baseline Survey on Child-centred Approaches to Preventable Disability the Case of Nutritional Rickets in Bangladesh, Conducted forDFID & SARPV Bangladesh(Year 2010)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition,Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2009-10)
- Baseline Survey on Indoor Air Pollution in Locations where Improved Stoves not Used, Conducted forWHO(Year 2009)
- Baseline Identification Study on Awareness, Prevention, Early Detection and Appropriate Treatment, of Rickets in 3 upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district [Project funded by UNICEF], Conducted for SARPV Bangladesh (Year 2008)
- Baseline Study for Agricultural Sector Programme Support Phase II Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development Component Technical Support Units, Noakhali and Barisal, Conducted for GoB and Danida (Year 2007)
- Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASSH) Project-MaguraPouroshava” Baseline survey on the variable relating to present hygiene behavior practice in MaguraPourashava, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2007)
- The Baseline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- Exploring Demand and Financial Feasibility of a Planned Housing Complex at NeeIachal, Gazipur), Conducted for VITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd (Year 2018)
- From Microfinance to Rural Credit Survey on PKSF-MES Households 2011 jointly with ECONS), Conducted forPKSF & University of Sydney (Year 2010-11)
- Farmers’ Education and Productivity for Sustainable Development Survey, 2016, Conducted forUniversity of Pennsylvania (Year 2016)
- Education in CCDRR- Strengthening Children’s Voices in Promoting SafeSchools, Conducted forSKS Foundation (Year 2015)
- Children’s Opinion Poll – 2008, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2008)
- Impact Evaluation Final Report on School Health Component of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2008)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey, Conducted forHarvard University (Year 2016)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey-2014 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/ renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-13 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2014)
- Reducing Imbalanced Fertilizer Use in Bangladesh, Conducted forHarvard University (Year 2013)
- End line Study of SHEWA-B Project, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2012)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Gender and Equity
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Perception Survey of Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption jointly with ECONS, Conducted for GIZ (Year 2013)
- Baseline study of AmraoManush expansion project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- Perception Survey of Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption jointly with ECONS, Conducted for GIZ (Year 2013)
- Baseline study of AmraoManush expansion project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2011)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2011)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2010-2011)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2009-2010)
- Midterm KPC survey at Bogra, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Joypurhat, Saidpur, and Parbatipur Municipality under Rajshahi Division for its Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Intervention, jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015-2017)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Impact Evaluation of GrameenKalyan-mPower Health Program (Baseline Component), Conducted forEndless Health, LLC(Year 2013)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) Survey of the Integrated Urban Nutrition Project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011-12)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- Baseline Survey on Child-centred Approaches to Preventable Disability the Case of Nutritional Rickets in Bangladesh, Conducted forDFID & SARPV Bangladesh(Year 2010)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition,Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2009-10)
- Baseline Survey on Indoor Air Pollution in Locations where Improved Stoves not Used, Conducted forWHO(Year 2009)
- “Social and Economic Assessment of ArsenicRemoval Technologies” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2009)
- Final Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP) and the learning center of Concern Bangladesh, Conducted forConcernWorldwide (Year 2008-2009)
- Baseline Identification Study on Awareness, Prevention, Early Detection and Appropriate Treatment, of Rickets in 3 upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district [Project funded by UNICEF], Conducted for SARPV Bangladesh (Year 2008)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- Midterm KPC survey at Bogra, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Joypurhat, Saidpur, and Parbatipur Municipality under Rajshahi Division for its Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The Baseline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- “Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) Evaluation Study: Mitigation and Beneficiary Assessment” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2006)
- Final Evaluation of the Project Building Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Response Capacity in Muradnagar, Serajdikhan and BhangaUpazilas of Bangladesh”– conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUN Foundation (Year 2006)
- Impact Evaluation Final Report on School Health Component of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Impact Assessment
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
- Impact Evaluation of GrameenKalyan-mPower Health Program (Baseline Component), Conducted forEndless Health, LLC(Year 2013)
- Assessment of the Sustainability of Sanitation Behaviors, Facilities, and Programs Using Community Wide Open Defecation Free Approaches” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2009-2010)
- Impact Evaluation Final Report on School Health Component of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Livelihood Security
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Project, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- Coastal Vulnerability and Livelihood Security: HH Survey in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for Florida International University (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Intervention, jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015-2017)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Perception Survey of Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption jointly with ECONS, Conducted for GIZ (Year 2013)
- Baseline study of AmraoManush expansion project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2011)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2010-2011)
- From Microfinance to Rural Credit Survey on PKSF-MES Households 2011 jointly with ECONS), Conducted forPKSF & University of Sydney (Year 2010-11)
- Baseline Study for Agricultural Sector Programme Support Phase II Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development Component Technical Support Units, Noakhali and Barisal, Conducted for GoB and Danida (Year 2007)
Maternal and Child Health
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Impact Evaluation of GrameenKalyan-mPower Health Program (Baseline Component), Conducted forEndless Health, LLC(Year 2013)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- Baseline study of AmraoManush expansion project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2011)
- Baseline Survey on Child-centred Approaches to Preventable Disability the Case of Nutritional Rickets in Bangladesh, Conducted forDFID & SARPV Bangladesh(Year 2010)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition,Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2009-10)
- Baseline Identification Study on Awareness, Prevention, Early Detection and Appropriate Treatment, of Rickets in 3 upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district [Project funded by UNICEF], Conducted for SARPV Bangladesh (Year 2008)
- Evaluation of Strengthening Children’s Participation In Media Project], Conducted for UNICEF (Year 2010-2011)
Mid-term Assessment/ Evaluation
- Midterm Evaluation on Resilient WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Bangladesh, Conducted for OXFAM GB(Year 2016)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Intervention, jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-LCC test, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2015)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS,Conducted for PKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University (Year 2010-2011)
- From Microfinance to Rural Credit Survey on PKSF-MES Households 2011 jointly with ECONS), Conducted forPKSF & University of Sydney (Year 2010-11)
- Midterm KPC survey at Bogra, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Joypurhat, Saidpur, and Parbatipur Municipality under Rajshahi Division for its Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP), Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2009-2007)
- Barrier Analysis on Consuming Milk and Red Meat Products, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2016)
- Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Project, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Impact Evaluation of GrameenKalyan-mPower Health Program (Baseline Component), Conducted forEndless Health, LLC(Year 2013)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) Survey of the Integrated Urban Nutrition Project, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011-12)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2011)
- Baseline Survey on Child-centred Approaches to Preventable Disability the Case of Nutritional Rickets in Bangladesh, Conducted forDFID & SARPV Bangladesh(Year 2010)
- Baseline Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition,Conducted forConcern Worldwide(Year 2009-10)
- Final Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP) and the learning center of Concern Bangladesh, Conducted forConcernWorldwide (Year 2008-2009)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- Midterm KPC survey at Bogra, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Joypurhat, Saidpur, and Parbatipur Municipality under Rajshahi Division for its Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The Baseline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- Coastal Vulnerability and Livelihood Security: HH Survey in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for Florida International University (Year 2015)
- Baseline Survey on Competition among MFIs in Rural Credit Markets in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted forRDRS & The University of Sydney(Year 2012)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2011)
- Addressing Seasonal Deprivation (monga) Through Migration and Labor Market Intervention Poverty Survey jointly with ECONS, Conducted forPKSF, University of Sydney & Yale University(Year 2010-2011)
- From Microfinance to Rural Credit Survey on PKSF-MES Households 2011 jointly with ECONS), Conducted forPKSF & University of Sydney (Year 2010-11)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Project Evaluation
- Geo-Potato Post Season Survey-2018, Conducted for mPower Social Enterprise (Year 2018)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- Midterm Evaluation on Resilient WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Bangladesh, Conducted for OXFAM GB (Year 2016)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey-2014 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/ renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-13 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2014)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey -2013 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-11 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2013)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2011)
- Evaluation of Strengthening Children’s Participation In Media Project], Conducted for UNICEF (Year 2010-2011)
- “Social and Economic Assessment of ArsenicRemoval Technologies” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2009)
- Final Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP) and the learning center of Concern Bangladesh, Conducted forConcernWorldwide (Year 2008-2009)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- Midterm KPC survey at Bogra, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Joypurhat, Saidpur, and Parbatipur Municipality under Rajshahi Division for its Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- “Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) Evaluation Study: Mitigation and Beneficiary Assessment” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2006)
- Final Evaluation of the Project Building Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Response Capacity in Muradnagar, Serajdikhan and BhangaUpazilas of Bangladesh”– conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUN Foundation (Year 2006)
Qualitative studies
- Exploring Demand and Financial Feasibility of a Planned Housing Complex at NeeIachal, Gazipur), Conducted for VITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd (Year 2018)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- KeraniganjUpazila Action Plan, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2016)
- Midterm Evaluation on Resilient WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Bangladesh, Conducted for OXFAM GB(Year 2016)
- Education in CCDRR- Strengthening Children’s Voices in Promoting SafeSchools, Conducted for SKS Foundation (Year 2015)
- Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Project, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- Prepare a Low-Income Customers Service Improvement Plan for the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Conducted for World Bank & Castalia (Year 2015)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey-2014 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/ renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-13 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2014)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Perception Survey of Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption jointly with ECONS, Conducted for GIZ (Year 2013)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey -2013 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-11 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2013)
- End line Study of SHEWA-B Project, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2012)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- Endline Knowledge, Practice, and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Project, ‘Community-Local Government Partnership to Combat Child Malnutrition, Conducted forConcern Worldwide (Year 2011)
- Evaluation of Strengthening Children’s Participation In Media Project], Conducted for UNICEF (Year 2010-2011)
- Baseline Survey on Child-centred Approaches to Preventable Disability the Case of Nutritional Rickets in Bangladesh, Conducted forDFID & SARPV Bangladesh(Year 2010)
- Assessment of the Sustainability of Sanitation Behaviors, Facilities, and Programs Using Community Wide Open Defecation Free Approaches” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2009-2010)
- Baseline Survey on Indoor Air Pollution in Locations where Improved Stoves not Used, Conducted forWHO(Year 2009)
- Final Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey of the Municipal Health Partnership Program (MHPP) and the learning center of Concern Bangladesh, Conducted forConcernWorldwide (Year 2008-2009)
- Children’s Opinion Poll – 2008, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2008)
- Baseline Identification Study on Awareness, Prevention, Early Detection and Appropriate Treatment, of Rickets in 3 upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district [Project funded by UNICEF], Conducted for SARPV Bangladesh (Year 2008)
- Baseline Study for Agricultural Sector Programme Support Phase II Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development Component Technical Support Units, Noakhali and Barisal, Conducted for GoB and Danida (Year 2007)
- Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASSH) Project-MaguraPouroshava” Baseline survey on the variable relating to present hygiene behaviour practice in MaguraPourashava, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2007)
- The Endline Survey of Knowledge, Practice,and Coverage (KPC) survey at DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka District for its Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI)”, Conducted for Concern Bangladesh (Year 2007)
- The End line Survey of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP) at Keranigonj, Dohar, Nawabgonj, Savar and DhamraiUpazila of Dhaka district, Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
- “Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) Evaluation Study: Mitigation and Beneficiary Assessment” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2006)
- Final Evaluation of the Project Building Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Response Capacity in Muradnagar, Serajdikhan and BhangaUpazilas of Bangladesh”– conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUN Foundation (Year 2006)
- Impact Evaluation Final Report on School Health Component of Essential Services Packages Support Programme (ESPSP), Conducted forConcern Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Resettlement action plan
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
Social impact assessment
- Exploring Demand and Financial Feasibility of a Planned Housing Complex at NeeIachal, Gazipur), Conducted for VITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd (Year 2018)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
- KeraniganjUpazila Action Plan, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2016)
- Assessment of the Sustainability of Sanitation Behaviors, Facilities, and Programs Using Community Wide Open Defecation Free Approaches” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2009-2010)
- “Social and Economic Assessment of ArsenicRemoval Technologies” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2009)
Smart Phone (TAB) & GIS based
- Geo-Potato Post Season Survey-2018, Conducted for mPower Social Enterprise (Year 2018)
- Exploring Demand and Financial Feasibility of a Planned Housing Complex at NeeIachal, Gazipur), Conducted for VITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd (Year 2018)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan on Integrated Development of Shubhadhya Canal and its Shore Protection System, Keraniganj, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2017)
- Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan ofRestoration of BaburailKhal under Narayangonj City Corporation, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd and World Bank (Year 2017)
- End-line survey and evaluation of ‘Effective Participation for Transparent and Accountable Local Governance’ project, Conducted for diakonia (Year 2017)
- Barrier Analysis on Consuming Milk and Red Meat Products, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA(Year 2016)
- KeraniganjUpazila Action Plan, Conducted forVITTI SthapatiBrindo Ltd(Year 2016)
- Farmers’ Education and Productivity for Sustainable Development Survey, 2016, Conducted forUniversity of Pennsylvania (Year 2016)
- Midterm Evaluation on Resilient WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Bangladesh, Conducted for OXFAM GB(Year 2016)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-Endline, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2016)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-Soil test, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2015)
- Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Project, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2015, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2015)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-LCC test, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2015)
- CDIP Agricultural Practices Survey-Midterm, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2015)
- Prepare a Low-Income Customers Service Improvement Plan for the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Conducted for World Bank & Castalia (Year 2015)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey-2014 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/ renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-13 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2014)
- PROSHAR Annual Survey 2014, Conducted for ACDI/VOCA (Year 2014)
- Plot Specific Soil Testing Survey, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2014)
- Reducing Imbalanced Fertilizer Use in Bangladesh, Conducted for Harvard University (Year 2013)
Water and Sanitation
- Midterm Evaluation on Resilient WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in Bangladesh, Conducted for OXFAM GB(Year 2016)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study, jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Intervention, jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2015-2017)
- Prepare a Low-Income Customers Service Improvement Plan for the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Conducted for World Bank & Castalia (Year 2015)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey-2014 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/ renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-13 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2014)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh-Cognitive test study jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- Labor Supply and Productivity in times of Environmental Shock: the case of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh jointly with ECONS, Conducted for IZA, Germany (Year 2014)
- Baseline Survey of Urban Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Advancement (USHWA) Project in Saidpur Town, Conducted forSKS Foundation(Year 2013)
- Post-Implementing Monitoring Survey -2013 for Public/Institutional/ Community-Managed water facilities and latrine facilities which are installed/renovated during 2005-9 to 2010-11 financial years, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2013)
- End line Study of SHEWA-B Project, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2012)
- End-line Survey on Knowledge, Attitude,and Practice (KAP) on IYCF in Northern Bangladesh, Conducted for ACF (Year 2012)
- Assessment of the Sustainability of Sanitation Behaviors, Facilities, and Programs Using Community Wide Open Defecation Free Approaches” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2009-2010)
- “Social and Economic Assessment of ArsenicRemoval Technologies” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUNICEF (Year 2009)
- Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASSH) Project-MaguraPouroshava” Baseline survey on the variable relating to present hygiene behaviour practice in MaguraPourashava, Conducted forWaterAidBangladesh (Year 2007)
- “Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) Evaluation Study: Mitigation and Beneficiary Assessment” conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forWorld Bank (Year 2006)
- Final Evaluation of the Project Building Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Response Capacity in Muradnagar, Serajdikhan and BhangaUpazilas of Bangladesh”– conducted jointly with Planning Alternatives for Change, Pasadena CA, USA, Conducted forUN Foundation (Year 2006)
IT Services Projects
Data Management and Analysis
- Impact using Urea Super Granule (USG) on economics of rice production and related agronomic practices-2012, conducted by Dr. Nowsher Ali Sarder, BME Specialist
- ASK Baseline Survey 2012, conducted by CBSG
- The Leprosy Mission (TLM) Final Evaluation Chittagong Hill Tracts Leprosy Control and Rehabilitation Project-2012, conducted by CBSG
- Out-sourcing Disaster baseline data entry – Unilever,2012 Sponsored by WaterAid Bangladesh
- Baseline Brothel Study data entry and produce output table-2011 Sponsored by WaterAid Bangladesh
- Baseline Survey of Empowering Small & Marginal Farmers to Improve Food Security Food Security Programme-Soil Fertility Component-2011, conducted by ESDO, BRIF& CBSG
- Sample Survey of Mid-Term Review (MTR) of Chittagong Sustainable Development Project of The Leprosy Mission-2011, conducted by CBSG
- Impact of Money Inflation on Poor Household and Children’s Livelihood-2008 conducted by Dr. Mohammad Helal, Research Fellow, Economic Research Group.
- WatSan Project Evaluation- a survey conducted by ChaloKaj Kori, Sponsored by World Vision
- Business Trends Survey-2008
- Study on Women Empowerment-2007 Bangladesh Sponsored by Women’s Health Coalition (BWHC)
- Survey on Gender and Human Rights Situation in Bangladesh-2006: a survey conducted by SODEV Consult, Sponsored by BLAST
- Water Quality Behaviour Change and Sanitary Survey of Water Systems:-2006 Survey conducted by WaterAid Bangladesh.
- Household and Disability Baseline Survey in four upazila 2006. A survey conducted by SARPV and sponsored by ManusherJonno.
- A Study on an MLAA Intervention Promoting Village Courts and Arbitration Councils, 2006 conducted by Dr. Mirza Hasan and sponsored by Madaripur Legal Aid Association (MLLA).
- Study on the Demand side of Trafficking of women and Children in Bangladesh Project Survey conducted by INCIDIN Bangladesh, Sponsored by ILO-2005
One CG Rethinking Food Markets and Value Chain for Inclusion and Sustainability Project by IFPRI
One CG Rethinking Food Markets and Value Chain for Inclusion and Sustainability Project by IFPRI
Localising Climate Action Plans in Bangladesh by Practical Action
Localising Climate Action Plans in Bangladesh by Practical Action